Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"Things Happen for a Reason"

I really believe that in life things happen for a reason, sometimes when it happens you question why and don't understand but then later on down the road it becomes perfectly clear and the big light bulb goes off and you say to yourself AH-HA!!!! If you would have asked Shannon and I a year ago what we would be doing or if we missed our retail shop, you would have gotten the answer "nothing much just raising kids and doing the everyday things that compile a day in the life of a stay-at-home mom. We always wanted to do shows, but never had the time or it just didn't work out. The past four months have been an AH-HA moment, we now know why we have went down the path that we have and are so excited, amazed, and thankful for this opportunity that God has given us. We have been working hard this summer to get items made for the "Three Big Shows" this fall. Shannon has been hitting those estate sales and auctions, while I have been hauling kids all over the countryside for sports and things. We have managed to put some things on Etsy and our saving most of our stash for the shows. When Shannon purchased these jars we had no ideal what we would do with them but then the light bulb came on again and then we knew why the jars had came our way. Check out the before and after pics below of the jars and what we did with them. They can be purchased on Etsy and at the I-24 Antique Mall.

In closing, remember that things come your way or happen for a reason and sometimes the smallest thing could turn into something wonderful and life changing for you.

"Misc Jars from Estate Auction"

"Cleaned and Ready"


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